Saturday, June 20, 2009

Be Beautiful Without Killing Yourself!

This is my rant about supermodels.Let me start off by saying that I do know the hard work involved in modelling, I have modeled before and decided not to persue it because I don't believe that one certain type of person is perfect, we're all perfect in our own special way.
Supermodels are just pretty shells that have allowed to let the media take over their lives, you hear about beautiful girls killing themselves by starving themselves, drug overdoses, suicidal depression all because the fashion industry and the media have this idea that all women should look a certain way.Well sooory we're all not a size 5 and most of us can't spend 12 hours a day in the gym, and a lot of us don't have the patience to pose under hot lights for 6 hours at a stretch.And most of like to eat real food! Real nutrient rich food like home cooked meals that we cooked ourselves not had delivered to our door! You can eat at home and still look great! You can dress like most supermodels without the self imposed stress and you can feel better about yourself without some brown nosing assistant telling you how wonderful you are!
That is my rant for today, I hope I didn't offend any supermodels but if I did too bad!
Your agencies are the reason most women get depressed about themselves!